6th-12th Grades - Wednesdays at 6:30PM
At AMPED, our purpose is to introduce you to Jesus, to know Him and love Him most, train you how to study the Bible on your own, to pray, follow Him every day, and to make a real difference in the lives of those around you…then make sure you know how teach others to do the same. The Bible calls us to make disciples, so our focus and vision is simple…
Make disciples who make disciples
Here, you’re allowed to ask the tough questions. We want to tackle those questions and make sure you are confident in Jesus and know that He can be trusted. You've got tough questions, and we want to talk about them. Can we know that God is real? Can we trust the Bible? Those and more.
We meet Wednesdays at 6:30PM for a time of music, teaching, discussion (we keep the floor open so you can feel free to ask all the questions you want), all based on the Bible alone. All while making great friends in the process!
Also, on the 1st Sunday of each month, our youth will gather for praise and worship in the sanctuary as normal, but will then have a class made just for them directly following that time!